Everyone in the archery world sees Fred Bear as a founding father of bow hunting and archery. When you sit back and think about it, archery has been around since prehistoric times. Given this, wouldn't you think primitive bow hunting should be given more attention than it is? 

When people first enter the archery world they, at a minimum, want a compound bow and aluminum arrows. No one puts on their Christmas list that they want a chunk of hickory and stone arrowheads. Instead, green horn bow hunters are asking for the latest Bowtech that can shoot 310+fps. Slowly, the birthplace of archery has been left in the stand for the bigger and better. 

This is similar to the drivers that do not know how to drive a car with a manual transmission. Now-a-days there is a small percentage of new drivers that would be able to drive a stick. Once again, the traditional way is skipped over for an easier alternative that offers quick results with less skill.

What do you think of this? Is this a problem? Or is it just time to move on?

Remember! "A bad day of hunting always beats a good day of working"

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    Hi! I'm Nick and I have been hunting for about 6 years and fishing since I could walk. I started bow hunting 3 years ago and I have been addicted since. My whole life I have been committed to learning everything I can to become a better hunter and outdoors man. I think this is something that every hunting enthusiast strives for so feel free to comment as you please!


    March 2013

