It's that time of year again! The long winter is over and spring is approaching fast! That means that food plots are being constructed, deer are getting into their summer patterns and..... TURKEY SEASON.

Turkey season offers some new challenges to bow hunting that many hunters never have to acknowledge, the biggest of which: the use of full camouflage. With deer, bear and small game hunting the required camouflage is minimal. Turkeys on the other hand have a keen vision and will bust you in a heartbeat if you are not concealed properly. This factor often makes them an appealing target for the bow hunter seeking the next step in developing their skills.

So how do you outwit the infamous thunder chicken? Do you spot-n-stalk? Are you a head hunter? Do you call them out of the roost? As long as the bird ends up in the bag that's all that counts right? Good luck this season and remember...

"A bad day of hunting always beats a good day of working"


    Hi! I'm Nick and I have been hunting for about 6 years and fishing since I could walk. I started bow hunting 3 years ago and I have been addicted since. My whole life I have been committed to learning everything I can to become a better hunter and outdoors man. I think this is something that every hunting enthusiast strives for so feel free to comment as you please!


    April 2013

