The above video one of many great demonstration videos on how better yourself as an archer.

For the new bow hunters that aren't sure how to start developing your hunting skills this will provide you with a good building block without the fluff. To put it simply, there are three parts to developing your bow hunting skills. It's as easy as PIE...
  1. Practice
  2. Information 
  3. Experience

 Practice is a given that I'm sure everyone would agree with is the single-most important part. If you can't shoot your bow straight and make clean kills then you have no business shooting at an animal. 

Information gathering is one your best friend when trying to figure out not only what works for other people, but also what you think you could use. Not every bit of information you gather will be valuable but half the challenge is sifting through the junk to find the good stuff you can use. If you have questions, ask them, if you're new to the sport then no one expects you to know anything anyway.

Experience will come with time which is a shame for impatient young hunters but there is honestly no replacement for the knowledge you gain by the experiences you have in the field. C.S Lewis said it best with - "Experience, that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn."

If any of the veteran readers have any tips or bits of advice they would like to add please feel free to comment. I know I am nowhere near a seasoned veteran but I strongly feel that sticking to these tips will take you a long way. 

And remember, "A bad day of hunting always beats a good day of working"

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    Hi! I'm Nick and I have been hunting for about 6 years and fishing since I could walk. I started bow hunting 3 years ago and I have been addicted since. My whole life I have been committed to learning everything I can to become a better hunter and outdoors man. I think this is something that every hunting enthusiast strives for so feel free to comment as you please!


    March 2013

